Rabu, 07 Mei 2014

Psikologii Sekolah

Penerapan Ilmu Psikologi berupa pemberian psikologis guna tercapainya tujuan pendidikan di sekolah:

Proses Belajar Efektif :
  • High academic achievement
  • Positive social skills and behavior
  • Healthy relationships and connectedness
  • Tolerance and respect for others
  • Competence, Self-esteem, and Resiliency
Fungsi Psikolog Sekolah ada 3 tingkatan (Sukadji, 2000) :
  1. Tingkat Psikodiagnostik
  2. Tingkat Klinis dan Konseling
  3. Tingkat Industri dan Organisasi

Pelayanan Psikologis :
  1. Assesment
  2. Consultation for student, teacher, parent
  3. Prevention
  4. Intervention
  5. Staff, Parent, and Student Education
  6. Research and Program development
  7. Mental Health Care

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